Talking To Kids About Fear And Violence

Kids Get Worried With everything that happens in the world, your kids will — potentially — get the idea that the world is a dangerous place. They will ask questions. So, you’ll want to be ready to talk about it with them calmly. “Parents can help children gain a sense… Continue reading


Angst Over Food With the holidays fast approaching, there’s always angst over food. Whether you suffer a food allergy, an eating disorder, obesity, or are just trying to stay reasonably healthy, this is a difficult time of year. Lunch rooms get crowded with baked goods, every event seems to be… Continue reading

Phones & Separation Anxiety – link to original article iPhone separation linked to physiological anxiety, poor cognitive performance From Science Daily: Cell phone use has become a common part of life as mobile devices have become one of the most popular ways to communicate. Even so, very little research exists on the impact of… Continue reading

Mindfulness… What is it, really?

A rewarding and fulfilling life Being mindful is not easy to sustain, really, even for one minute.  We have busy lives, running and running.  Sometimes or often times, we are so busy running we are actually missing our lives! The great poet Thoreau said, “When we die, we are concerned… Continue reading

What’s your ‘Catch 22’?

Catch 22 – revisited I recently revisited the 1970 film Catch 22. I like older movies. They often offer more than today’s films, I think. Complexity of plot, character development, great cinematography, and very little computer generated content. I had seen the film a long while ago – I think perhaps… Continue reading

Enjoy the Day

This is the time that you have–this very moment.  Breathe, relax, and notice the many gifts that surround you right now.  There is beauty all around.  Let’s begin a brief meditation to enhance relaxation and a feeling of well-being. The Relaxation Posture Sit in a comfortable position with your legs… Continue reading

Mental health on the go: Reducing anxiety with smartphone app

Mental health on the go: Reducing anxiety with smartphone app — ScienceDaily. Summary: Playing a science-based mobile gaming app for 25 minutes can reduce anxiety in stressed individuals, according to research. The study suggests that ‘gamifying’ a scientifically-supported intervention could offer measurable mental health and behavioral benefits for people with… Continue reading

Helping the Passive-Aggressive Executive

Helping the Passive-Aggressive Executive – Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries – Harvard Business Review. I’m impressed how often the HBR publishes thoughtful articles about the psychological side of business and human interaction. Do you sometimes dodge assignments, backpedal on promises, but never really express your anger? Maybe it’s time… Continue reading

Telltale Signs It’s Time to Treat Your Anxiety

Telltale Signs It’s Time to Treat Your Anxiety | World of Psychology. I often meet people who tell me that they’ve been dealing with intrusive levels of worry, tension, or distress for years. People who have been organizing their lives around the avoidance of people, places or situations for as… Continue reading