Year End Coping Ideas

Ready to turn the calendar to 2021? Yes! We’re ready for that, too! However, the next several months are going to be challenging. Plans are being modified, travel has been curtailed, and we’re all trying to avoid a covid-19 infection. In the meantime, we’re all trying to cope as best… Continue reading

How To Start Therapy

From Lifekit – a podcast from NPR Feeling anxious? Overwhelmed? Unhappy? Not sure what you’re feeling at all? These might be signs that your “check engine” light is on and seeing a therapist could help. If the mere thought of trying to find help seems overwhelming, you’re not alone. Plenty… Continue reading

Teen Marijuana Use

One of our staff members, Todd Kerr, LIMHP, recently reviewed this YouTube video. He thinks you’ll find the information timely and presented coherently. If you have a teen in your home, having the latest research information will be useful. Questions — or want to schedule a time to consult with… Continue reading