Filling out forms from home or office

Filling out forms from home or office

Especially during the Covid-19 outbreak, being able to handle intake forms without mail, printers, or a trip to the office is both desirable and efficient.

July 2020 Update

For the Adult Intake Form:  After you make an appointment through our support staff, an email will be sent to you with a link and instructions for completing your intake form online using an automated system from DocuSign. You’ll fill out the forms by typing directly into the online form, will apply an electronic signature for authorizations and consents, and the completed form will be securely transmitted back to ACP. Your completing this DocuSign form within 24 hours is appreciated. Questions? Call us at 402-334-1122

Older PDF download method – still viable – Here’s what to do on a computer:

  1. download and install Adobe Reader DC to your computer. You’ll only need the free option. Nothing to buy.
  2. download the forms you need from our website – adult intakechild intakechild developmental historytelemedicine consentAPRN formsAPRN telemedicine consent
  3. Use the fill and sign capabilities of the Adobe Reader DC program to complete your forms and add electronic signatures. If you can scan or take photos of your insurance cards, you can save yourself some data entry. Save the file that you’ve just filled out, and email the completed PDF file to the ACP office staff using the email address they’ve given you.

Using a tablet or smartphone:

  1. alternatively, if using a tablet or smartphone, go to the app store for your device and install the Adobe app – Android or iPhone/iOS — these apps are also 100% free.
  2. create your profile and electronic signature in the app
  3. download the form(s) you need – complete within the app
  4. submit to the ACP staff who helped you with setting your appointment


This will take you several minutes to locate the files and apps that you need, to complete and email the forms back to us. It is vital to have these things completed so that we can begin your services. If you get stuck, please call us, and we’ll do our best to guide you through the process. We are here to support you in getting the help you want.

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