How DBT Can Help You Get What You Want

In a world where communication is available at our fingertips in an instance true connection and communication appear to be lacking. We have social media, instant messaging, texting, screen shots, and all variety of digital screen-to-screen interactions. This can make face-to-face interaction feel more difficult or uncomfortable. Dialectical behavior therapy,… Continue reading

Phones & Separation Anxiety – link to original article iPhone separation linked to physiological anxiety, poor cognitive performance From Science Daily: Cell phone use has become a common part of life as mobile devices have become one of the most popular ways to communicate. Even so, very little research exists on the impact of… Continue reading

The Spirituality – Counseling Connection

Spirituality and Counseling:  Is there a connection? How can spirituality and counseling be related to each other?  I believe that there is, indeed, a relationship, and an important one at that!   I am defining spirituality as that part of us which seeks a connection to a power bigger than… Continue reading

Telltale Signs It’s Time to Treat Your Anxiety

Telltale Signs It’s Time to Treat Your Anxiety | World of Psychology. I often meet people who tell me that they’ve been dealing with intrusive levels of worry, tension, or distress for years. People who have been organizing their lives around the avoidance of people, places or situations for as… Continue reading