Use the menu or click the links below to learn more about the range of services at our office, conveniently located just North of 132nd and West Center Road.
Individual Counseling Services
Terry Moore outlines his thoughts on the practical and esoteric elements of getting started – and benefiting – from counseling services for you. It’s never easy to sit down with an unfamiliar person, and to open up about your most sensitive thoughts and feelings. The rewards, however, can be substantial towards your growth and development.
Terry Moore has been using hypnosis in his work for over 40 years, so asking him to write a single page about it was sort of like asking the IRS to summarize the Tax Code on a 3×5 index card. Nonetheless, he gave it a shot. Learn more by following the link.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy – DBT
This link will take you to an educational site for an overview of DBT
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – EMDR
This link will take you to an educational site for an overview of EMDR.
Couples Counseling – Marriage Counseling
The link will take you to a great article that we wish we’d written – about how to get the most from counseling with your partner.