Stress, Pandemics, and Resiliency

Resiliency From Pam Feldman, LIMHP: This article from the New York Times helps us to understand how resilience is important in how we deal with adversity.  We face troubling times and it is more important than ever to look for ways to bolster our ability to stay on course and… Continue reading

Workplace Bullying

Have you ever been subjected to Workplace Bullying by a boss or co-worker and not sure what to do about it? Or have you ever witnessed or been subjected to what appears to be ridicule, intimidation, humiliation, or blame? These behaviors are not okay at home, nor are they okay… Continue reading

Service Animals

Service Animal documentation We frequently get asked to provide a letter for someone wanting to travel with an animal – or to have clearance to bring an animal into group housing, such as an apartment complex, dormitory or care facility. Here are some things to keep in mind. Summary by:… Continue reading

Device overload item – could it be happening to you?

When the average American looks at his or her smartphone between 90 and 165 times per day, this average American is doing much more than practicing highly questionable personal hygiene.A spate of recent studies suggests that people constantly looking at their smartphones — or, even scarier, simply sitting near their… Continue reading

How Smart People Handle Difficult People

Studies have long shown that stress can have a lasting, negative impact on the brain. Exposure to even a few days of stress compromises the effectiveness of neurons in the hippocampus — an important brain area responsible for reasoning and memory. Weeks of stress cause reversible damage to neuronal dendrites… Continue reading

Talking To Kids About Fear And Violence

Kids Get Worried With everything that happens in the world, your kids will — potentially — get the idea that the world is a dangerous place. They will ask questions. So, you’ll want to be ready to talk about it with them calmly. “Parents can help children gain a sense… Continue reading

Phones & Separation Anxiety – link to original article iPhone separation linked to physiological anxiety, poor cognitive performance From Science Daily: Cell phone use has become a common part of life as mobile devices have become one of the most popular ways to communicate. Even so, very little research exists on the impact of… Continue reading

What’s your ‘Catch 22’?

Catch 22 – revisited I recently revisited the 1970 film Catch 22. I like older movies. They often offer more than today’s films, I think. Complexity of plot, character development, great cinematography, and very little computer generated content. I had seen the film a long while ago – I think perhaps… Continue reading

Mental health on the go: Reducing anxiety with smartphone app

Mental health on the go: Reducing anxiety with smartphone app — ScienceDaily. Summary: Playing a science-based mobile gaming app for 25 minutes can reduce anxiety in stressed individuals, according to research. The study suggests that ‘gamifying’ a scientifically-supported intervention could offer measurable mental health and behavioral benefits for people with… Continue reading

Telltale Signs It’s Time to Treat Your Anxiety

Telltale Signs It’s Time to Treat Your Anxiety | World of Psychology. I often meet people who tell me that they’ve been dealing with intrusive levels of worry, tension, or distress for years. People who have been organizing their lives around the avoidance of people, places or situations for as… Continue reading